Public School Workshops for World Bee Day


Did you know that bees play a crucial role in our environment? As one of the top pollinators they secure our access to foods throughout the world and they are the only insect that makes food that we can eat! The Subversive Gardener is super grateful to bees for all their hard work that keeps us alive, so we were looking for an excuse to celebrate these amazing creatures!  As it turns out May 20th is World Bee Day, and what better way to celebrate than to be out and about in a garden!

On this sunny Monday morning, we had over 75 students from a nearby elementary school venture into the Scholes Street Children’s Garden to learn about pollinators. The classes discussed heirlooms and then closely observed tomatoes growing in the garden. The kids will get a chance to see these beauties grow their fruit throughout the summer and into the fall!

Finally, the kids got to make some secret gardening tools AKA seed pills to take home and do some spy gardening. These seed pills were filled with Baker Creek wildflower seeds and will be especially beneficial for bees and other pollinators when they are planted throughout the city! Overall, we were so excited to be out in the warm weather and to have a chance to say thanks to our little fuzzy yellow and black friends! Remember to keep buzzin’!